Tuesday, 28 June 2016


I love this topic I am about to put here in writing. I believed you laughed when you saw the topic of this article Trading like an Armed robber. Yep! you got
to learn how to target high profitable trades.... Understanding this method means that you have to think like the real professional Armed Robbers do. lol... alright lets delve into this.

The advanced armed robber.
Now when I speak of real professional armed man, I hope your mind will not simply just go to those that steal wrappers, chocolates in the malls or those one robbing buses on the street? of course this types of armed robbers will want to steal again and again. Simply put; those types of robber are really not professionals in their game. 

Real robbers don't rob all the time. they target high profitable areas to go for robbery. Areas such as; banks, huge shopping malls and some even target the government. Image result for pictures of armed robbersAnother characteristics of this type of armed robbers is that; they don't rob all the time. once they are done with a very high profitable robbery they don't rob again for a long time while targeting another high profitable zone. Unlike the amateurs that want to rob all the time thinking it's faster to get rich that way; but sooner they got killed. The ones that targets high level places actually gets more richer because they don't overdo it; even though it is their game. But they really do know how to stay in the game.

How are you trading?
I hope you understand where I am going by now; Are you being an armature or a professional in your trading methods? Like the the advanced armed guy; you really do not need to trade all the time. I noticed the mistakes some of our traders make when trading. This is what I teach my students all the time; that they do not need to trade all the time to become profitable. No! this is why I always encourage traders like you to trade using the price action strategy. 

Using this PA strategy means that you are looking for a very high probability setup like the pin bar setup i have discussed here in this blog before. For me, the way I trade is quite simple: if i don't see any of my good price action setups I do not trade..... a professional trader knows what to look for in his trade and not just trading anyhow. 

Through price action method I just learn to look for real trade setups and once all my yardstick for placing that trades are present, I just take the trade and hold it for days... it sometime ends with profits of 200-800 pips per trade. No hustles! and once I am done with that trade, I don't trade again for some days even weeks sometime. This is because like the armature robbers above you may get killed soon. Trading professionally simply means staying in the game for long!

Why traders lose money.

  1. In trading, you don't have to be greedy for too much profit. Its really unprofessional to trade just immediately after a very big winner like that. You will loose all that trade just into the next trade you took. What you should do after a very big winner is to allow the market breath a little and do it's thing while you too cool your tempo and spotting out another big winner. You do not have to break your heart by yourself. calm down yourself before the next trade.Image result for professional forex trading photos
  2. Another reason why traders lose money after a big winner is that they become too over confident in themselves that they think they cannot lose any trade again. But this is where they got it all wrong! too much confidence in the market is a killer, because it will make you forget the risky nature of the market... Because of too much confidence, you start trading large position sizes, no stop loss and money management. O boy! you may loose all that money you made. For more on this go here 5 reasons why you are not making money
Withdraw your cash and spend it!
Some traders just make me laugh. How on earth will you have such a big winner and not withdraw your earnings? A friend told me of a guy that grew his account from $250 to $6000USD. wow!! i just heard you say that. That guy was begged to withdraw $3000USD of his earnings, but he refused and guess what; he lost all to the last dime...... fooooool!! i hear you say again. 

Please after a good trade withdraw and pay yourself for a good job done. ok? Take someone out or better still come and take me out... lol.... I am serious! Bottom line; Enjoy your earnings.

Thank you for your time. Please do leave me a comment if i have made you a better trader through this article. Also ask your quetions am here to answer them. 

See you soon!

I am Wealth Peters
CEO and Head Coach, Pips Akademy.

Saying: Be a great trader.


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